Our Story
Helping Florence Flourish (HFF) thanks you for your interest, and encourages you to get involved! There is nothing better than working together to build God’s Kingdom. In 2015, four focus groups were established as a result of a survey given to 68 Christian leaders in Florence that asked them to identify the greatest needs in our community:
- Education.
- Homelessness
- Restoration of the Family
- Racial Bridging
The work of those focus groups, along with the City Wide Prayer Gathering, are the core of HFF.
HFF joins over 300 other *Gospel City Movements in the United States (http://gospelmovements.org/cities/). Billy Graham’s Lausanne movement in the 1970s called the Whole Church to take the Whole Gospel to the Whole World. Gospel City Movements have taken up that challenge on the local level so that now the Whole Church takes the Whole Gospel to the Whole City.
HFF is a distinctly Christian movement seeking to live into two biblical realities:
- The first reality comes to us from John 17. Jesus prays in John 17:21 that those who would follow Him would be one. The love and unity Jesus shared with his heavenly Father, he prays, will mark his followers. HFF, as it works to be an answer to that prayer, will continue to build relationships among believers and churches in this community.
- The second biblical reality is found in Jeremiah 29:7 as the Lord through the prophet says to the people in exile, “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf.” Those who longed for their home in the promised land were called by God to be a blessing right where they were in those days of waiting. Our challenge, as “exiles” waiting for our heavenly home, is to bless this place! As we live and serve by way of word and deed together, we will be the “light on the hill” drawing people to our Lord.
The great desire and prayer of those involved in the HFF movement is that the Church in Florence will continue to draw together to address the various kinds of brokenness of our community for the sake of God’s name.
- Gospelmovements.org is a place for movement leaders to connect and share their ideas, as well as a place of learning for those interested in initiating or joining a movement in their city.